Legbeard rages at a guy who messages her on OKCupid despite not being an 80% match

Yeah. He just seems really cool to me. A genuinely good bloke. Friendly, intelligent but not pretentious, no weird subculture affiliations, polite and calm. I hope he finds someone good... I think he will.

Once you hit your late 20s as a young professional and start dating girls in their early 30s, you get snapped up if you're nice, well adjusted, considerate, and childless.

You find really nice girls who are kind, intelligent, accomplished in their careers, and fairly good looking. The best ones have had a previous medium to long term (maybe 3 years) relationship that didn't end up working out, and they've learnt from their mistakes and are ready to settle down. If you're looking for a stable long term, happy relationship, these are the girls to go for.

The other types of single 30 year olds should probably be avoided:

  1. The "hot" girls in high school, and spent their 20s clubbing and partying and in and out of medium and short term relationship. They might have a string of abusive scumbaggy exes, little or no skills and education, and "never left highschool" syndrome. They're usually pretty attractive, though, even if they cake on the makeup. They usually go for older skilled working class "bro" types, though.

  2. The mothers. They got married early, had kids, and their life revolves around their kids. They have almost no education, skills, or knowledge of the world. I'd avoid them personally, but each to their own - they might be really nice

  3. The legbeards (OP's lady is an example). They're single because they have serious issues. They probably have never been in a long term relationship. They might be very fat, entitled, lazy, abusive, and obnoxious. On the plus side, they might have a good liberal arts education and an interest in the world, which will make for interesting conversation. Until they break up with you because of your views on badger culls in west Gloucestershire.

Welp, that turned into an incoherent and rambling wall of text. Sorry bout that. I've just found that a lot of my nerdy-but-fairly-socially-competent friends who struggled to find love in their early to mid 20s with the 18-25 year old cohort have struck gold when they hit the age and level of maturity where 30 year olds are willing to start dating them.

/r/CringeAnarchy Thread Parent Link - antifrenzy.tumblr.com