Let's Get this Off My Chest...

Dance a little! Laugh about nothing! Sing song really loud even if you can't sing! I get awful chest pain I can't explain. I did have an mini stroke (idk, that's what the pathetic excuse of a hospital told me) one time. I can be calm as can be and start feeling like my left arm is just going to drop off and my chest might cave in. Stress is a funny thing. You may not realize it, but you are a big bundle of stress. Rant to strangers more! Write your feelings down! It's hard to make yourself happy when you are so cynical about life. I am. It's a struggle at times. I get so mad at people when I go out into the world and then I started to just stop and ignore them. I can't always do that, but for the most part I do. It's easy to slip into a shell and stay there. I have such a hard time keeping myself from doing that. I try to call and talk to a family member or friend at least once a day. It helps me get my bundle of bitching off my chest. My MIL probably doesn't even listen to me but I don't care. I need to bitch it out and then I feel better. So take a deep breath and let it all out. And also try really hard to do things that make you happy and try to make the happy stuff outweigh the negative crap. I don't do much of anything or go places so I keep myself busy with chores and I listen to music and dance while I do dishes and laundry. I daydream of winning the lottery. I know I'll never win but hell, it's fun to imagine the what ifs! I've picked out my homes in all the states and countries I love. I have an amazon wish list for if I win and it's massive. I keep my brain busy with things I enjoy so the negative shit doesn't have a chance to take over. I realize I'm probably not giving sound or sane advice and I may sound like a total tard, but that's ok with me. I just want to try to help people be happy. It's a great habit to have. :)

/r/rant Thread