Lets get to the point of Askreddit, what is the most entertaining/interesting story you have?

Ok so I'm pretty sure this is the only even relatively interesting story I have. (Considering a have no life) this was in second grade. I have no idea why but I decided to have this HUGE sleepover and all the girls in my class were invited and pretty much everyone came. On top of that, some girls I went to church with came, some people I went to summer camp with, some of my mother's friends' children. My friends younger siblings came.. there were even boys there (although it was intended to be a girls only sleepover) because some families just dropped all their kids off for the night and my mother agree to also let my brother have some friends over too It was just a completely crazy amount of people for a 2nd grader to have over for a party. I felt like most of the people I knew that were my age were there. And it was crazy, there was a different thing going on in each room. Although the night contained plenty of other drama (best friends getting in fights, giving each other cold shoulder, becoming friends again etc) at one point it got around to me that there was some weird shit going on upstairs. I think I heard some people run down the stairs screaming but there was a lot of noise and I kind of ignored it because I was busy getting into a fight with my best friend. Then some people confronted me and told me what happened and demanded that I check it out/come along because it was my house and all. So we all went upstairs and sat in this one room, it was on the left side upstairs. It was the only room in our house that was still underdeveloped and it was mostly a storage/ miscellaneous room because it was nobody's bedroom. And they told me what happened. So apparently there had been some people up in this room doing idk what and then out of nowhere this tent (yes it was an outdoor tent lol. We set it up for ppl to sleep in I guess. Idk ?) so this tent just starts shaking and moving in the air. I wasn't there but from what I heard it was off the ground and just shaking in midair there was no one standing near it. And that was around the time a bunch of kids had come running down the stairs screaming... which was the story I was told. What we decided to do was we all went back upstairs to this room and decided to sit around the tent to see if it would move again. We were all sitting around the tent (btw upstairs was deserted at this point) and watching the tent when we heard something in the bathroom. We looked in and all of the water was on (the shower was on, sink, etc) and considering we were all spooked we ran downstairs screaming again. So yeah at this point I was still only somewhat convinced the tent thing happened and the night went on and it felt at some point that the whole thing was stupid and me and a few people decided to venture into the upstairs again (with ice cream) we went into this cardboard box that was really big and painted like a house (idk lol) and we're sitting there eating ice cream and talking. Then we started hearing scratching noises and we looked but there was no one outside the box. Then more searching noises and we were like wtf at this point. Then this really weird thing started happening- the lights started flickering but not as if Simone were flicking the light on and off it was like the wiring were being tampered with or something. Like the light would get really dim, then bright again. It was weird. And the scratching got faster and we were ready to bolt at this point. I thoughti saw a bug or something like a spider maybe on the handle to open the door, but some other people told me later that it looked like a really bony hand to them. Idk. Anyways for the third time that night a group of people ran down the stairs screaming. I didn't go upstairs for the rest of the night. And it may have been out imaginations or maybe not. Not a lot of paranormal stuff happened at my house after that but it was still just yeah.. so my house is maybe haunted... I don't know..

/r/AskReddit Thread