A letter to Riot from an ex-jungler.

Am I a solo carry who should kill other carries while not peeling at all?

This can't be the case because their is no counter play. I mean there is, but you can't expect a team to coordinate counter jungling in solo q. And even if this was the case, mid/adc would just walk into the jungle and take the farm.

IMO riot wants us to play "fighters." Look at rek'sai, the latest jungler. Good CC. Good damage even while building tanky. But neither tanky enough or damaging enough to be a tank or carry. More like a pawn constantly living in poverty and having to be in the right place at the right time to carry the game. And this makes sense if you consider the most popular jungers all have strong CC and great base stats on their abilities.

The problem is their are lots of junglers that don't have great damage, and if they did they'd be broken laners (dat sejuani one shot pentakill.) If riot buffs them, they'll become laners (maoki.) If riot gives them an easier clear through jungle items, they'll go back to being oppressive gankers with all the CC they have. If riot makes the jungle easy for them, junglers that are strong now will just be stronger. There is no easy answer without comprising their core design philosophy.

Personally, I think the worst part about jungling is the PvE aspect. I don't want to sit in my jungle and try to figure out how to get the levels/health/gold I need to gank. I want to pressure the enemy. I know they don't want oppressive jungler pressure on lanes early; they want a more 1v1 or 2v2 experience for laners. But it fucking sucks for us. I tried rammus today and it was just embarrassing. PvE for the first 5 minutes of the game and then oh I missed my chance to gank now I gotta wait 5 more minutes to have an effect on the game. It's just lame. They've gone to far in removing a junglers abilitys to impact the game.

Junglers that are good now should not be touched. Items that let lesser junglers be successful should be buffed.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread