Life of a Sexpat: laowhy86

Let me mention stuff that you have forgotten to quote

-Often calls out exotic Chinese foods to be disgusting

-Is friends with a racist white sexpat afrikaner asshole who says "Asian women are easy"

-Has no asian male friends, regularly puts them down

We are pointing a racist person from this video. Then you are simply accusing us of being racist because we call this guy racist. Although he said that "Chinese guys are unfaithful, foreign guys are open" from one of his videos.

So you are claiming that we are the racist ones because we think he's racist since he lives in China and has no male Chinese friend? You think it's fine to say that Asian women are easy?

Holy fuck, how are we even the racist ones here?

Are you going to call me a racist because I told him to go to Europe for disrespecting local tradition and people? Oh shit according to your definition, I would be considered as racist for calling him a racist bastard. Fuck me right, you are going to quote that I said "He should be banned from entering myanmar" and claim that I'm a racist bastard, although I was just proposing that he should be banned because he disrespects local people.

You asshole would not quote something like this,

Basically an Asian person wrote a racist quote, and the mods deleted it.

Tell me again how we are a racist sub? The mods of this sub actively remove comments that are racist.

Fucking pathetic. If I go to a fucking popular sub, I would find tons of racist comments as well, why don't you consider them to be a hate sub as well?

I will always mention this everytime an asshole like him quote us on againsthatesubreddits so that everyone can fucking read it.

/r/aznidentity Thread