The light bulb box has "Lighting Facts" designed like nutrition facts.

Some in our group work on human centric lighting. (I don't, I do research on optical design for lighting)
Personally, I think it is all completely overblown to get something new in a saturated market. Aparently it was a big topic in the Europe 2020 goals.
The major conclusion they gave in a presentation 2 years ago was that human centric lighting has a minimal (1%), but statistically signifficant effect on work performance. Though maybe 1% is good in some contexts
And just going outside in daylight for 30 minutes at noon is enough to keep your melanin cycle normal.

There is even some discussion that they don't even know if blue light in the evening is bad OR GOOD for a good night rest.
The theory being that after sunset, the sky is blue for a while.

But as I'm looking at our website, I can't find anything about it published 2 years. (They're planning on giving a workshop about it though)

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