I literally didn't know it was quite THIS BAD

Yeah, that's pretty much the situation i'm in as well. I make slightly more than that, and my rent is slightly less than what you're charging (for a much smaller place i'm sure, Mass rent sucks. )

But yeah. That's how bad things are. I regularly have to curate my grocery list and planned meals for the weeks, as well as visiting a food pantry.

I guess my question to you would be: As a landlord, what are YOU going to do? You could price your condo at the lower end of that range rather than the median for them, or even less. Are you just trying to get a regular, recurring income, or are you going to try to use this to squeeze every bit of profit you can?

Your post doesn't say enough for me to know if I should despise you or not, although the fact that you're shocked at how little their income actually gives them does make me hopeful that you're not going to end up as a horror story on this subreddit.

/r/antiwork Thread