/u/flipper8088 and friends go to Donald Trump speech on acid and have a bad time.

Haha it sounds much more dramatic than it was.

It started drinking mushroom tea for the first time ever in a late afternoon, with the sole intention of just getting to Walmart so I can air up the tires in my bike and do some day tripping. Top is down on the convertible and boyfriend is driving, blasting the beatles. Looking back on it, that was probably the least conspicuous most ridiculous decision ever, but we make it and I've gotten through the nausea and now it's really starting to hit. As I step out of the convertible, my eyes adjust to sunlight like I'd just been in a dark car. But my eyes aren't really adjusting, everything is just getting brighter, like I blinked to hard and my eyes never stopped trying to adjust. I'm walking in to the Walmart and everything is just getting brighter and brighter until I can't see anything but bokeh light and People of Walmart faces, staring at me. That's all I see, is faces. As I walk through that fucking breezeway I hear myself shouting to my boyfriends face, DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M TRIPPING?! He said, I don't know, I'm tripping. I can't deal with the faces and go back to the car and wait for the bike tires. Boyfriend continues his trek. Now that I think about it, he never gets the tires, I don't know what he did in there. We go back home and it's getting late. We take two hits of mop up each and watch Scott Pilgrim, which I highly recommend. Super fun watch. Well, we're living across the street from the Community College I go to, which is mostly big open field in the middle of the busiest part of town, and there's a ton of stores and shit around it. Around 4 in the morning, we decide were just gonna walk around until we find stuff.

We cut through the field just because it's prettier but not really necessary to get to the mall. So we're walking and we notice two headlights in pitch blackness in the parking lot of the college. We don't think anything of it and keep walking. The lights get closer and they're creeping on us. We decide to cut deeper in to the field away from the light. Next thing I know a car is driving in to the grass right fucking at us. Not feeling rational whatsoever, I was completely with out fear even though this is weird as hell and I'm tripping balls. So I just stop, boyfriend is looking at me like I'm crazy. And I just stare at the car that's almost driving on my heels, and what do you know, a cop pops out and it's city police. I smiled and asked how he was doing, boyfriend is completely flabbergasted, and the cop asks us what we're up to. Kindly explain were walking around on a pretty night, when he tells me the reason he stopped us was because coyotes come out at night in that area and I need to keep a look out. I live in Florida, right on the beach, I've never seen a coyote in my life, much less at my college in the middle of town. I thought about that shit for weeks wondering if that was true. I stayed and talked to the cop for a few more minutes being mind blown by the fact that there are coyotes in my town at my school. He let's us go, and onward. ??? So we make it to Starbucks and there's one cashier behind the counter and it feels like I'm walking in to a weird dream. One step in and I start burning up and completely panic. I say again really loudly, do I look like I'm tripping?! Boyfriend laughs and I basically run out and to the hospital next door which decorates heavily for Christmas with lights and a giant christmas tree outside. Boyfriend brings my coffee and we walk around the hospital taking pictures with giant nutcrackers. I still have those pictures somewhere. We walked to the top of the parking garage and watch the sun rise over the hills (the only hills in my town). We eat more mushrooms, sit on benches at the mall, which was great people watching, and then go see Tron across the street, and for the entire movie it looked like I was watching a giant orange unmoving square right in the middle of every frame during the entire film, which took up most the screen, which I apparently was OK with. I still have no idea what happened in that movie. Then I walked home and slept for like a day.

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