Literally speechless at this DF experience

Here's what's I would have done... right after a big pull when no one can easily click out of the Instance, say 'brb my dad's standing here and said give him my keyboard'

Wait a good 5 seconds for them to think of all the ways they might have just fucked up... and then it's time to unify their myriad visions into a cohesive nightmare.

Type in a format that has it's own style because you're now impersonating someone else.... all caps for generic ange, or perfect precision to represent the type of calculated rage that will lead someone to ruin every aspect of someone's life with extreme detail.

Here's an example of what to type (this particular revenge scenario came to mind immediately so I'll go with what I'd have thought to do at the time rather than refine it since by then they'd have been gone anyway.

So now you're typing as the pretend father of a player (you) who they're about to 'find out' is a 13 year old girl (not true, but the plan is to scare the hell out of them for a long time, not actually prosecute them

"How long have you been in touch with my daughter? Do you make a habit of contacting underage girls on the Internet, or have you been targeting just my daughter as someone you wanted to (insert here the worst thing they said they wanted to do). I don't know if that's legal where you're from, but it sure as hell isn't here... and the it's the laws in this state pertaining to the underage sex crimes that are just effective enough to ensure that in a year or two your virgin asses will be walking into that prison shower for the first time and a couple of my former clients will be happy to sell about a hundred or so 'Take a Number' pages for the price of a cigarette or two."

They might try and argue that that's not what they were doing (but they don't really know whether your 'daughter'- you by proxy- was underage or not. Or that you'll never be able to identify them anyway. No need to respond, other than saying 'I have everything I need right here to get started, and if you don't think a subpoena to determine your ideanties would be successful, you really should have learned a bit more about child protection laws before you picking the WRONG FAMILY to FUCK WITH!

And then you exit stage left fast by leaving the instance and if they're on your server blacklist them. Now it's time for them to worry for a good while if you pulled this off right.

So put this one away for future reference should the right time to use it come up again.

Side note, it's unfortunate that there rules against naming and shaming in all circumstances... while its not valid to do out of context or without concrete proof, I see no reason why, when someone is willing to say something negative to someone they don't know in an online setting, to share what was said, and who said it, in its entirety with its names seems totally fair to me. In other words if someone is willing to attack me in a group setting, or even worse if multiple people are combining efforts to do so, they have no right to expect their role in abuse/harassment they voluntarily engaged in earlier, be shown unedited.

/r/ffxiv Thread