Locked In Mental Hospital

Well at least you have Internet access, which is extremely rare, to say the least, in your situation. You're in the hole. Now I don't know your specifics, but 6 months is a long stay, as far as these things generally go. Usually is more like 7- 30 days, unless there is something seriously going on. Feel free to elaborate.

You have 2 options and they both suck.

  1. Cooperate with the staff and accept their treatment. Which is your best option. Seriously don't fight it, you can't win. Just play nice. If they're saying 6 months there is a good reason I assure you.

    1. Lie and deny. Doctors are looking for signs that they've been trained to see. They have families and emotions, and are vulnerable too. You can manipulate them into seeing what they want to see. Pull on their heart strings. This is all a horrible mistake...

Play the long con to reduce your sentence; My kids aren't going to eat. I'm going to be homeless if you keep me here any longer. My dog was left in the yard. I need to call my boss. I was just drunk. I feel much better, thank you for helping me. The medications do seem to be working. Tell them what they want to hear and talk your way right the fuck out of there.

If you make some sort of attempt in there, they are going to strap you down, and you don't want that. You won't succeed and you'll be in longer, and they will medicate you even more heavily.

Now I write all this, but for all I know you are a raving lunatic. Perhaps a menace to society. Could you elaborate on your situation? What country do you live in? How old are you? Have you been diagnosed? What is your financial situation. Do you have family? We need more info.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread