I was locked in my home until I was 10 years old and homeschooled. How can I make friends after being developmentally/socially/emotionally stunted?

Hey. I'm glad you made that post. It looks like you had a terrible experience of being homeschooled. Mine was rather similar. In my case, I was homeschooled from age 10. I went to primary school before that (I'm from the UK), but my mother did not want me to go to high school. She wanted to keep me in the house with her, instead of letting me go to high school like normal people. That was 15 years ago. For the duration of those 15 years, I've basically been incognito to everyone else in society. I've had zero friends in real life, never been to any parties or invited to any social events. I haven't even talked to anyone near my age for 15 years. I wasn't able to go to college or university. I would say that my emotional, social and personal development have all been severely stunted, as yours also was. I'm extremely awkward around other people, and basically have no idea to talk to anyone. I have no life outside the house. From June of 2010 to May 2015, I did not leave my house at all. I went outside very briefly about a month ago, but I haven't been able to since.

I also live with my parents and I am terrified of them dying, because they are the only people in the world who know or care that I exist. I would not be able to cope with living on my own. I have never had a job. I am basically a child stuck in an adult's body. I'm an only child with no extended family. My parents aren't religious, but they have some serious issues. My parents seem to have no idea what to do about me. I am very worried about dying alone. I have thought of how much time it would take before anyone finds my dead body after I die. It could potentially be months or years before anyone finds me. After my parents die, no one will know that I exist at all. I've thought about suicide, but have so far been too scared to try anything. I'm just trying to get through each day but it's such a struggle. I think homeschooling should come with a surgeon general's health warning. It's messed me up badly and I don't think I'm going to recover from it. I hope you are able to.

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