Looking back at your life so far, what would you say was the best decision you made?

I got on the bus to Limerick on 14th February 2009.

My friend was in university in Limerick and was planning their computer society convention. He was looking for ideas on who to get as a keynote speaker and I suggested "Randall Munroe", being an XKCD fan. I never expected that he would actually come to a talk to a small crowd of geeks in a small city in Ireland, but lo and behold he agreed. So my friend invited me to come to the talk and the drinks. As it turned out I was scheduled to work that day. We were shortstaffed due to layoffs and illness, and my boss was a raging bitch, so I knew I wouldn't get time off to go sadface The invitation was left open in case I changed my mind.

The day rolled around. I was in work and it was bugging me. I really wanted to go, but I knew the other staff would be under fire without me, and I certainly didn't want to take on bitch boss. The morning passed. I knew what time I needed to be on the bus to Limerick to get there in time, and it was getting closer and closer. I resigned myself to staying in work and missing out on the talk and shenanigans. There was just too much going against it.

A customer came up to me, so I got stuck in to work, setting all thoughts of leaving aside. As I was helping him we got to chatting. The usual banalities, the weather, the local sports team etc. Then I noticed the logo on his jacket: Bus Eireann (Irish Bus). My spidey sense tingled, so I inquired about his job. He said he was a bus driver. I asked him was he heading home for the day after finishing his shift and he scoffed, "Ah no, I'm just getting some bits sorted before I head out on the next bus to Limerick.". My bus to Limerick. He was the driver for my bus. It was the push I needed.

As soon as he walked out the door, I went to my manager and feigned illness. Before I knew it I was on the bus. Little did I know it, but that night in Limerick I would be introduced to the man who was going to be my future husband. Had I not taken that bus, we never would have met, as he was from the opposite side of the country, and we had no shared social circles. And to top it all off, it was Valentine's Day.

My husband is the most loving, caring, handsome, intelligent and hardworking man. I love him so much it makes me want to burst. He's going to be a wonderful father to our children someday. I thank my lucky stars every. single. day. that I got on that bus.

/r/AskReddit Thread