Looking for helpful tips, as a support player.

I've played support for near enough 4 years, and thinga have changed a lot over the years, from a damage dealer, to a ward machine, to, now, a cc/ bully. I recently added a comment to this sub regarding dodging skill shots, get used to it, you're gonna need to dodge all the time. I'll add this info in a minute (as I'm on mobile). Learn to assert yourself, supports have a lot of damage early game. A lot of supports have harass. A few, for example, Jan a, rely on your ad dealing the early damage (through using her e). This seasons mentality is get go in, throw your weight around, and win farm. Call everything. If you don't wanna harass, warding is going to be a big part of it, knowing where your enemies jungler is, is vital information, make sure your team knows where they are, either type (at low elo people tend to not react fast to chat), or, better, through pings, dont be afraid, even if you yet shit for it, information is everything, and your eyes should always be on the mini map if not in an engage. Learn to ping and read the map (as stated above). React. If you have a jungler coming in (they'll ping or hopefully you'll spot them running in watching the minimap) go in before your jungler does (if your lanes health is good enough), because if they are in the river, or the enemy back off, they have spotted them and it may be too late already, if they have warded in the river/tri/river brush, try and get them to react (if you know you won't suicide) and that an engage looks like like a win on paper. Call everything. If the enemy press hard early, especially if you know the enemy is in their lower jungler, there is a chance their jungler is going to assist, it could easily be that they are just asserting themselves ( as I talked about above) , but if you think you can take them, or you want to go heads on thinking you'll take the advantage, ALWAYS have a plan B, if your ad isn't a duo with you, dont overextend, as there is a good chance they'll go ham if you do. Always have an eye on their players, if they disappear from lane, they recalled, call it. It the kid lane goes to Blue, call it, it could still mean they move down to your lane. If their top laner runs to their top tower in fog of war, call it. Call everything, information never hurt anyone, only aided them. If your ad is an asshole, don't react to their shit, only ping them. I hope I helped a little :)

/r/summonerschool Thread