Looking for legal advice for wrongful termination.

Allow me to go into more detail. The reason I say it was wrong to terminate my employment there is because it was based off his wifes opinions. My first weekat the job we had a meeting, when it concluded everyone was talking so I said to his wife ''oh you look tired today" she relpies "well im not wearing any makeup so...". I thought nothing of this and waited for my ride. A few days later my manager and another manager sat me down and said that they've received reports about me being rude, I had no idea what they were talking about. So they asked if ive been telling women that they look tired. I thought about the last time I said this and remembered the meeting ,and explained that I wasnt trying to be rude. That I was simply trying to make small talk to pass the time until my ride was ready. My manager explained that the owners wife was just self conscious. I apologized and moved on. About 3 days later the owner spoke to me about the incident and told me that "it is rude to tell a woman she looks tired when she isnt wearing make-up" I explained that I didnt know she wasnt wearing make-up and i was only making small talk. Moving forward to the month of November. During a meeting i was praised for selling 80 phones in a week and asked to give our new hires some advice and this is were I was "negiative". I said, "the best way to sign people up is to ask everyone, granted some people are going to say no at first but perseverance is key. Just keep smiling and move on to the next person". After this meeting the only other thing that happened was that I called the owner to ask him if I could have more hours at the other store because it was more busy than the one he had me at all week, our conversation when like this and I quote." "Hey matt I know youre busy in Oregon right now bt I was hoping to get some help with something." "Okay what is it?" "I just wanted to ask if on next weeks schedule if I could have a few more days at the McKinley location because this store is kinda dry." "Well its like this, it wouldnt make any sense for me to put you at that location because you dont speak Spanish. And you should talk what you can get." "Im sorry if I came off as ungrateful, truely I am. I just noticed that you've had the same people working that store for awhile and theyre able to do 35 phones a day where as here im averaging 10. Id really appreciate it because i only worked that store once this week." "yeah well at least you got that. Anyways ill keep you in mind." "Okay thank you." After that I wasnt scheduled to work for a week and I was fired the following monday. My manager advised me that it was discrimination for him not to schedule me at that store. plus he would always have 2 people at that store because it was so busy and I was the only african American in an all Mexican staff. Now that you know the details aside from the commission what should I do because everyone ive told here has told me to sue.

/r/legaladvice Thread