The loud minority

I think it's good that there's a lot of feedback (even if it's negative) to the devs. People are still playing it and enjoying it. And obviously the devs are going to know the exact number of players on at any given time to gauge interest. But it's nice to see that they're at least aware of the issues.

I do agree though, that some of these people are hating on the game just to hate on it and get their chance in the spot light. My friend in particular keeps linking youtube videos to me of people spouting off everything wrong with the game. He's a huge fallout fan but was pretty upset that this one was going to be online. To me, it's just like any other fallout experience, plus random encounters with players.

From what I have played, I have enjoyed it. Obviously some new stuff to learn in terms of the online aspect, but overall it's been pleasant. Can't wait until release :)

/r/fo76 Thread