Louisiana is about to pass a law (HB 167) prohibiting direct auto manufacturer sales and service.

We reject communism as a governmental system because it historically has allowed a tiny group of people to consolidate complete control over national resources (including people), in the process stifling competition, freedom and choice. It leaves its citizens stagnating under the perpetual broken systems with no natural motivation to innovate, improve services or reduce costs.

Corporate Communism is a way to achieve the same ends as regular communism, except in a civilization that shuns communism. Corporations and governments form a simbiotic relafionship because corporations have regulatory captured governments and quid pro quo. The corporations merge and consolidate businesses in a capitalistic way, and governments assist that consolidation of power so eventually the only few corporations left can just be absorbed into the government, and thus we all wake up and the government is itself the sum total of all nagional assets and means of production.

Its a problem from the beginning of time. The weak become unthinking drones incapable of lifting their own station in life, and the powerful eat eachother to death until there is only a few left, then one person gets to be God over all. God of gods. King of Kings. The brain in the control room. This is evolution​ in action. Our species is trying to merge and become one, hands, feet, organs, brain, except instead of a collection of cells, it is a collection of people. Who gets to crack the whip, and who has to left the load? Turn the page.

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