I love DotA

I don't like DotA 2 because you can't disable hero voices without disabling the announcer.

I don't like DotA because you're forced to play an extra 10-20 minutes with a team of autists because a bunch of kids cried after TI4 and introduced comeback mechancis.

I don't like DotA because it has the "support" role. Every hero should be carry, and wards should be free.

I don't like DotA because of how cheap TP scrolls are. TP scroll should be a strategic decision, not something everyone has the money for.

I don't like DotA because of how teamfight centric it is.

I don't like DotA compared to how little effort they put into casual games compared to competitive games.

I don't like DotA because you're not having fun when you're losing.

I don't like DotA because it has shitty lore, shitty voice acting to the point im forced to turn off voice acting completely, preventing me from hearing important announcer voices and stripping me of the fun of hearing the killing spree streak sounds.

I don't like DotA because it's artstyle and hero design is often inferior to it's precedessor WC3, and many heroes just look plain dumb(Nature's Prophet or Slardar, for instance. Just look at that goofy ass motherfucker, just looks so stupid).

/r/DotA2 Thread