Love Fest Friday

My boyfriend and I met on an overseas study abroad program through the same home University. We were in a group of students all from the home University in a foreign place and we traveled around the country together as a part of a moving classroom.

My first impression of him was that he seemed quiet and I thought he hated me. he didn't make an effort with me in conversation and I may have caught some glances of anxiety that weren't intended for me, which more of a result of his discomfort being a super introvert in an outspoken group of new people (and it was his first time out of the country). Additionally the program was not at all his discipline, it was mine.

To my chagrin we were placed in a group together. I was hoping to get anyone but him because he was the only one who didn't seem enthusiastic about being my friend. Well, lo and behold being forced together we had to interact and get over being shy, anxious, introverts with each other and over time we became comfortable and great friends. I valued the time I got to spend with him and we bonded through enjoying similar leisure activities and suffering through our school projects together.

I hardly considered him romantically, despite finding him very attractive, even though we spent ages tanning on the beach together, hanging out, and watching TV shows holed up in his room. Over time and proximity and getting to know each other this changed. I thought he smelled amazing and many a times I wanted to just lean over and kiss him to see what would happen. But I didn't want to kill the friendship so I didn't. And I'm glad. It would have made the remainder of the program awkward for us if I caught him off guard and it would have made everyone else awkward if he was into me too. All over a crush? Not worth the risk.

So after we returned to our home University we stayed in touch hanging out every few months as friends, catching up on game of thrones and getting into some other shows. Every single time we'd be on his couch I'd want to to lean over and kiss him and sometimes I felt like he'd be open to it, but I didn't want to risk imagining it for the sake of our friendship. Especially since I didn't see myself as his type, judging by his exes. We would talk as friends about other people we liked and we were open about our pasts but stayed platonic. The closest we ever came to anything happening was a drunk, snowy night at the bars, he came back to stay at my apartment so he didn't have to bus home. This was a common occurrence and we'd share a futon, but this time he was drunkenly flirtatious and nearly kissed me, but I didn't want to wreck anything so I didn't pursue.

Two months later I go on a date with a guy I met who seemed like he could be Mr. Right. Boy, was I wrong. I called up my now bf after locking the door to my apartment and he drove down and picked me up and took me back to his place to vent. It was a funny date story but I was in shock. We talked about our whole relationship and dating histories in way more detail than ever before that night. I was laying wide awake on the couch across the room from his bed when we were trying to sleep but we just kept talking about all of my dating horror stories. I had gotten really flirtatious, only verbally, with men recently at this time (was single for too long) and so I was throwing some "if you change your mind, I'll be right over here" chiding, all in jest, when he sincerely asks "if I do will it affect our friendship?" I thought he was kidding and that he just wanted to platonically cuddle as we had done many times in the past, but with the minute he was on TOP of me and we were making out. And then my shirt was off and then everything else was off... And then I got to put a very excited notch in my belt.

After a few hiccups getting official, we've been together for a year, and the future seems very clear. We're going to have to do two years of long distance but we know we want to be married, have kids, a house, and each other for forever. I'm hesitant to say that I know he's what I want forever without dating him for three or more years but... I just have a feeling. I don't know why he went on the program, but I'm so glad he did.

/r/relationships Thread