I’m less than 48 hours away from my transfer and I’m questioning my marriage

For clarity, my emotional post might make more sense had I said I voluntarily offered 50/50 custody with my daughter to my ex-husband and offered no child support from either party. A true 50/50 situation. Well, fast forward 10 years later, I struggled a lot because I offered to let my husband stay in our big marital home so I could live near my parents in my original hometown in the small apartment I could afford. He was court ordered to sell our home by January of this year (by my offering at the time of divorce) and pay out my half. He still lives in the home and has made no effort to put it up for sale. My daughter has terrible grades and her Dad has allowed her to miss 30 days of school in her sophomore year. I will never share a child 50/50 again for this reason.

/r/IVF Thread Parent