i’m so sick of the gatekeeping in gaming. so i can’t play a game just bc i like the story???? accommodations are not difficult to add

I’ve been playing Souls games for the better part of a decade, and I don’t see the issue with an easy mode. My girlfriend hasn’t been playing Souls games for the past 7 years like I have, and she mainly plays easier, relaxing games like Skyrim, so she struggles and gets stuck on most bosses, thankfully I can help her, but she literally can’t beat a lot of the challenges the game throws at her. She plays because she enjoys the world, story and overall adventure, and it sucks that other Souls fans would just gatekeep someone like her from having an easy mode and enjoying the game at her own pace. Not everyone has the reflexes to play these games. Having an easy mode would only introduce new fans to the world of these amazing games. It literally wouldn’t hurt anyone.

I personally want the challenge, other people don’t. I don’t see how it’s hard for so many to grasp that.

/r/autism Thread Link - reddit.com