I’m worried my cousin is on heroin. What are some warning signs/red flags to look out for?

You say he’s never tried meth but truly coming from a experienced user, in my opinion it’s meth that’s the problem here. Literally every single thing you said is indicative to meth. The ways he’s falling asleep, he’s been up for a couple days. The number one thing with meth that will really tell you yes or no is if he’s become really angry. Like it takes the tiniest little thing for him to flare up into a big deal. The squinting thing is also just another classic tweak thing. And especially what gave it away was when you said there was a bunch of stuff all over his bed. Meth users minds are going a million miles an hour. They have to always have something to concentrate on. To me it’s pretty much confirmed that it’s meth that’s the culprit. Those signs are not indicative to heroin. He most likely will feel like he’s one step ahead of you guys by doing meth because he feels as if you guys will be looking for signs of heroin specifically, and he told you he never tried it so to him, he can’t really get caught because you are looking for the wrong drug. To verify what I’m saying, stay up late one night and just listen closely to his door. If he’s wide awake, it’s not heroin. Also if he doesn’t eat, that’s a dead give away of meth. Also meth is commonly done in a “binge crash” pattern. Where the user will stay up for 4-5+ days and then crash and sleep for 12-18 hours. each day there awake they become less rational and more angry. He will become angry at things that don’t even make sense to get angry at. Feel free to PM me anytime if you notice anything new or if you have any questions. I pray to god that I’m wrong & that it’s not meth. because if it is meth, you and you’re family are most likely in for the ride of you’re lives. Meth is devilishly hard to kick. That past heroin addiction he had was absolutely hell for you & you’re family huh? I’m sorry to hear that but I’m glad he beat it. If it’s meth you need to find out ASAP. Seriously. It’s not like his past heroin addiction. If you find out very early like now or within the next couple days, he might only relapse a few times. But the longer he uses it, the harder it will be to kick. And chances are, he will crave that drug for years after he’s already been sober. That’s what’s terrifying about meth. It does what other drugs like heroin don’t. You’re mind craves it. Even addicts that have quit 15+ years ago often think about it til the day they die or the day they lose there memory. Because once you try it, you’re life will forever be boring. Because deep down, you have already felt better than any accomplishment you could ever accomplish in the entire world, by just taking a hit off a pipe. Wish you and you’re family the best of luck.

/r/Drugs Thread