"Macs are good for about 5-6 years" - really?

Own a 7.1 model (Macbook Pro, mid-2010)

Bought it for college when it first came out back in 2010.

I am now sitting here typing this out on the same computer! I'm in love with it and it runs perfectly. Being a 6 year old laptop obviously it runs slightly slower than its newer flashy siblings, and has the odd quirk here n there. But it still continues to amaze me how it keeps working away for me on a daily basis! A true example of "you get what you pay for" I suppose. And I use the hell out of it too– I'm out of college now but still haven't saved up enough to afford a new laptop. So this 2010 model is my main one and I use for hours every day. Whether it's work, games, watching movies, editing photos, etc. I have basically been asking it to do the max of what it is capable of every day for the past 6 years.

A year-ish ago I gave it a bit of a new lease on life with an SSD upgrade (replaced the 250 with 450), and replaced the 4GB mem with 16 GB (apparently this model happens to be the only one in its year that can accept 2x8 memory)

So without the little upgrades, it probably would still be running equally well as it is now, but over time I just had too many things starting to add up on my external drives and i got tired of having connect / carry extra stuff to access my files n graphics. So adding that little bit of extra space/speed made a huge difference convenience-wise for me.

Anyways I can definitely vouch for the quality+durability of these things- definitely money well spent! :D

/r/apple Thread