[MAJOR Show Spoilers] If no one's going to make it into a gif, I guess I will

Lol. There shouldn't be boring parts in a show like this. Season 1 was perfect, so was the whole "Governor Saga" why because they introduced characters and allowed them to develop, they made it so that whether you hated a character, liked them or loved them you enjoyed there presence because the show wouldn't be the same without it. I loved Shane, some people hated Shane, I loved the Governor, some people hated the Governor, but there isn't a single person that wishes neither characters were in the show; that's good writing.

Now they are doing something far different, they are adding a ton of characters and killing them off within 12 episodes so that even if someone does like them a lot of people are going to wish they weren't there because they contribute nothing to the show besides to enhance the "drama" side of it. They are making the group seem invincible which kills a lot of the suspense from a show like this, suspense that was there during the Governor seasons (merely knowing he was out there was enough) and DEFINITELY there during season 1. You shouldn't go 0-100 all the time, is it good at points? Yes, but instead of killing off characters in smart ways that add to the show they are just trying to create an insanely high body count. With tonight's episode how many saviors that knew how to fight have died? 40-50 at least. If that happened to Woodbury or Rick's group they wouldn't have a group anymore, again bad writing.

They now have two choices for anything that they are going to do with Negan. (A) make him have a seemingly endless army (B) put an end to probably the best character that they've introduced since the Governor.

Idk I'm just rambling on, this is all just opinion but IMO the writing/directing on TWD has definitely taken a hit since Seasons 1-3.

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