The Making of a Modern British Soldier - by Ben Griffin

I'm a Marine and you don't even realize that inability is being taken from you. It was one of my biggest concerns going in was if I would be able to but by the end and after the rest of the training post boot it's like he said, it's a good majority of what you want. just to go to war. Those phrases- instant and willing obedience to obey all orders. The one thing different is that killing was glorified with us. Kill is a response to commands. "Go do this!" "kill!" On the range it's not center mass its two to the chest one to the head. You go back to your drill instructor regaling you about the pink mist after he blew someones head off and how he chased that feeling like cocaine. We went to a pop up range during the crucible and even after two days of no sleep, little food and the most intense training. I counted all the targets on the field and the number of round i shot without realizing it. He said how many were there? 13 SIR, how many shots. 20 SIR. He told me to crawl under barbed wire while i was throwing up in a bush so i continued puking on myself while crawling under barbed wire. Told me to jump in the swamp, i did that shit. and there is certaintly a distinct difference in people with combat arms jobs than other fields. The scariest thing isn't stripping the inability to kill because ultimately people who signed up for combat jobs want to war in some way even if they don't openly admit it, it's the brainless commitment to all orders by the end. That same way you freeze without thinking, you follow orders like that. It's surreal to react so quickly once you comprehend intent. Any analysis, risk vs reward, alternative route, creativity is gone. You just do it like the well oiled machine they made you. Everything he said is spot on, it's just taken to a higher extreme in the U.S. Like the three basic points or ethos, sure you go over honor courage and commitment but whats stressed and repeated is "instant willingness obedience to all orders" "I am an american, I will never surrender." and constant fear placed on you from creative punishments honed from an island that's been training young men since the beginning. Theres definitely no tip toeing around the killing.

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