A man once said if you want a good story just ask any random person if there was ever an event in their life they can not explain. Someone almost always has one weird thing that has happened to them. So reddit, regardless of whatever you believe about the world, what’s your story?

Ah shit, I have another one.

When I was like 4, I had an imaginary friend named Bamba. I don’t think I ever “saw” him, but I had my parents buckle him in the car, set a place for him at the dinner table, and tuck him into bed with me every night. We played in my dreams, and I remember what he looked like vividly there. He was my best friend for months.

At this point, we had a pool in our backyard, and my dad’s bday is in the summer. His bday party was backyard themed, and I remember the adults all laughing and talking a little ways away from the pool.

I decided to be bold and go in without my water wings while they were mostly distracted.

Pretty quickly, someone noticed that I was doing the dead-man hang at the deep end of the pool, head down but my legs kicking. My dad jumped in and saved me. I was fine after some fuss, and later that night I told my mom that Bamba had told me to keep kicking and I’d reach the edge. I remember my mom thanking him.

The next day, when my mom went to set his place for him at the table, I calmly stopped her and explained he was gone. I never really talked about him again, but I think about him a lot.

/r/AskReddit Thread