A man once said if you want a good story just ask any random person if there was ever an event in their life they can not explain. Someone almost always has one weird thing that has happened to them. So reddit, regardless of whatever you believe about the world, what’s your story?

On our like third date, I mentioned that my birthday was at the end of July. He paused and said, “you’re turning 30, right?” I said yeah. He asked, “it’s not the 28th is it?” I was a little taken aback but was like, yeah.

Then he told me that was the day his brother was born. We had already talked about where we were from, so next revelation was that it happened at the same hospital.

I met his brother and his mom at Xmas and we all laughed about how crazy the coincidence is. So, unless he got his family in on the lie, lol.

As for the friends of friends, yeah. He’s a few years ahead of me in school so like, he was friends with the seniors that I knew by name but more hung out with their pledges and what not as a younger student. Also, I wasn’t 21 yet in the years he was visiting so he likely was out at bars where my roomies and I stayed at house parties.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent