Manitoba men caught spotlight hunting fined thousands, lose hunting gear

The article tiptoes around the main issue, which is that only Natives and Metis are permitted to night hunt.
So that's the crux of the moral argument.
Also, there isn't much risk for the people winning a Darwin award. With no police, no traffic, and straight, flat roads it's easy to go nighthunting while totally shit-canned. The only danger is to the people who are farming on Crown Land.
Darwin award. Give me a break, the worst they have to worry about is a session in a healing lodge.
In fact, let me explain it to you in a way that's totally true but would get me totally arrested.
Natives are drinking all night, going out at 2:30 in the morning, shining spotlights and then shooting mesmerized deer from the bed of a pickup truck. If you're a rural Manitoba rape farmer, you get woken up to the sound of gunfire at 2:30 and pray the drunken dipshits didn't confuse deer eyes with the reflection from your child's windows.
So, in classic Canadian fashion, the Natives are declaring that opposition to spotlight nighthunting is racism and the Premier agreed with that assertion from a beach in Costa Rica.
Manitoba is weird.

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