Manual fan control on R610/R710, including script to revert to automatic if temp gets to high.

Amazing stuff!

Had to do an edit to the safety script for my R610.

This line: TEMP=$(ipmitool -I lanplus -H $IPMIHOST -U $IPMIUSER -P $IPMIPW sdr type temperature |grep Ambient |grep -Po '\d{2}')

Was returning this:


Ran this to see what was going on:

ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U fanspeed -P 8Jstprcwphucr89ecr! sdr type temperature |grep Ambient

got this:

Ambient Temp     | 07h | ns  | 10.1 | Disabled
Ambient Temp     | 08h | ns  | 10.2 | Disabled
Ambient Temp     | 0Eh | ok  |  7.1 | 23 degrees C

Looks like there are some extra disabled ambient sensors there somewhere?


Modified the original line to this:

TEMP=$(ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U fanspeed -P 8Jstprcwphucr89ecr! sdr type temperature |grep Ambient |grep degrees |grep -Po '\d{2}')

now it just returns "23" which is the expected behaviour.


My edit isn't perfect though, if more than one ambient temp sensor is enabled and returning degrees it'll break and the other numbers there in the table (the 0Eh and 7.1) could also get returned if they turn in to two digit numbers. Hopefully someone with a bit more grep knowledge can help out with just returning the one number before degrees?

/r/homelab Thread