Why do so many people that follow spirituality turn vegan?

Hm. I understand what you’re trying to ask. People who tend to be spiritual tend to be vegan because they know the importance of love, the importance of being kind to all beings, even the ones we were condition to kill and eat.

It’s seeing more mainstream outside of spirituality as well as we have new information about the health benefits. Many “spiritual” teachers that I follow have been vegan for a while, and teaching for a while.

There doesn’t necessarily have to be a correlation as someone who isnt spiritual can be very passionate about veganism whereas someone spiritual is a pescatarian or loves steak.

I believe there is no right way to live, but it’s either you make a decision that flourishes you or harms you. You make a decision that is a step forward, a step back, or you stay stagnant. There is a correlation yet none at all.

/r/spirituality Thread