Marijuana social clubs dwindle in Alaska as legal confusion reigns

Exactly what estimations have I made? You also have decided to ignore the points that I made about tourism, and Alaskans having disposable income (if you have some data that most people here don't have money, please provide it). You're not making any valid points on why they should continue to drag their feet, instead of making money, just wild speculation. What do we have to lose? There are people begging to open legitimate businesses, and hand money to the state.

And again, why would you ignore a potential revenue stream? The university is being cut by $50 million. Public schools are laying off teachers

No where did I say that legal cannabis would solve the state budget problems.

That is preposterous, and honestly a huge leap from what the point I'm trying to make.

Again, why ignore, and not utilize the revenue stream? Which is what we have been doing, and Houston has decided doesn't work for them.

We need everything we can get. And once again, since this part doesn't seem to get through, we could have been using this money to offset some of our problems, until we find a permanent solution. I don't think I was unclear on what I was pointing out.

I'm also pointing out that it is a potential source of revenue, and you present the very tired, redundant statement that it can't solve our problems. Cannabis sales aren't going to save the day, but it could have/ can save some jobs, and opportunities for Alaskans which is something you don't seem to get. It is working well in the other states. It can work well here. I'm not saying we'll make as much, but it's better than nothing.

Your beer analogy isn't very good, by the way. Like everything else you're saying it has no point.

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