Married American male, with a master's educated wife. No kids. We don't want to live in America anymore. European Redditors, what advice can you give us to help us move?


ok but are you actually looking at the details there? because there are a lot of them.

first: what is 'better'? are you saying like 9 out of 10 vs 8.9 out of 10? because yes 9 > 8.9, but we can probably agree that that difference isn't huge and might not be significant.

second: how do the details hash out for this individual? let's say healthcare is more affordable on average - is that true for this specific person? we don't know right? same for a lot of factors. maybe the schools are better but they don't have kids. maybe the crime rate is low but their american neighborhood actually had a lower crime rate so this is a negative change for them. wages, taxes, multiple countries, there's a lot to consider.

third: does this person know the language and the culture? have they ever been abroad? do they realize how difficult it will be to permanently move to another country? sure danes speak english, but can i, an american, just mail my shit to denmark and call it home? i spent 7 months studying abroad in europe in college in countries where i did speak the language and studied the culture, and it was still a very intense and isolating culture shock.

fourth: can you actually move to any of the countries you mentioned easily? i know germany has hoops to jump through, i'm assuming most do. you're not just walking in.

just telling me 'quality of life is better in austria' doesn't mean a whole lot. i've been to austria, i love austria, vienna is like my favorite city on earth. i would not move to austria over the US though. for my work, for my lifestyle, the US has excellent quality of life. austria's is also great but again you're getting into very subjective, 9 vs 8.9 territory there. they have a nicer opera house, we have far more open space kind of thing. ie stuff that doesn't actually matter.

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