Married people of reddit, what were your first thoughts upon seeing/meeting your future spouse?

I'm a bit late to the party, but my wife loves our story so I'll use the opportunity to share it.

I had been dating a girl for about 2 months and things were going ok. I knew that she wasn't the one, but we had fun together so I was enjoying the ride until it was over. An old friend invited us over for drinks before a music festival at her apartment, where a bunch of her friends were going also. My friend and 3 of her friends were all wearing matching outfits, so being a guy I looked them all over and rated their hotness. The roommate was by far the hottest and what I considered to be out of my league. The girl I considered 2nd hottest was just as tall (what I like) but a little more homely, so I thought that if things with my girl didn't work out she'd be the one I'd focus my attention on.

My wife remembers things a little differently. She was having drinks with her friends before a guy and a girl she'd never met before show up. She knew nothing about them, but saw the guy and said to herself "I want that man".

That girl was the one I considered to be the hottest and who I thought was way out of my league.

Fast forward a couple of weeks and things with my girlfriend fall apart and this girl and I get together. Less than a year later I propose (which MTV caught in a documentary they were making) and less than a year after that we are married.

Nothing satisfies me more than knowing that my wife is someone I considered too hot and "way out of my league" whilst my wife remembers me as someone she wanted from the moment she laid eyes on me. Sometimes first impressions last and there has not been anyone I have met since that I consider to be the "hottest in the room".

/r/AskReddit Thread