MassHealth CoPay Hardship

Thank you so much for the response. It really does seem like a bad system, especially if the pharmacy has to eat the cost. I thought they sent them into MassHealth and the state ended up covering them. That's really not fair. There definitely needs to be something in place to make sure MassHealth patients get their meds, but to force pharmacies to cover them seems ridiculous. I figure they would close every store in every low income area.

I understand that people who don't need it abuse the system (like the entire SSI SSDI etc. system needs to be tightened up so legitimate recipients get what's needed to live a halfway decent life, instead of lying criminals receiving giant checks, playing the system, and still racking up a tab at the pharmacy each week) but I don't think it should be up to individuals to decide patients fate. Especially to tell me it'll be better to pay off my one-time 3.65$ bill from the day before, then refuse to defer payment on a single other script. I already gave a script worth of money to them, so now I have even less to offer and a whole script vanishes into thin air basically. Then bear witness to me leaving without 3 of prescriptions, like clearly I don't have the money and I'm not "taking advantage".

I don't think the pharmacist had a choice. Rite Aid must be really strict and drill it into people that they really must do everything to not ave to pay. I think I was 100% refused, like I was straight up told No, go somewhere else if you don't have the money. I kind of want to call the BBB or something. I'll probably end up walking to CVS because I can't imagine how awful they'll be asking for 3 scripts to be covered until I get my check. Unlike, apparently, the majority, I do pay my tab when I'm there and have gotten paid.

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