Massive 'outpouring of love and support' for Syrian refugee after 2000 plants decimated by vandals

Most people don't like vandals and people that commit robbery. If that makes me a bad person, then fuck it I'm literally Hitler. I've lived in a shit hole with a lot of pricks trying to nick your stuff, you know what would make being poor a lot easier, the cops arresting the shit heads stealing your shit, breaking your shit and just generally making life even more hard than it needs to be. You know what sucks? Getting home from work and having halve the stuff on your washing line stolen, or your fenced trashed by some bored shit heads, or your fucking gum boots nicked.

It's just lots of petty crap that adds up, $10 there, $30 there $20 here and when your take home is $12 an hour (After tax, kiwi saver, student loans) that shit is just burning up a few hours worth of income each week. Working to fix/replace stolen shit fucking sucks, because you could have a lot more if some degenerates got a fucking job or clipped their shit head kids around the ears so they stopped breaking/stealing stuff.

So yes, fuck vandals, fuck thugs, fuck thieves, I don't have enough disposable income to go "Ohhh well, it's just stuff I can get a new one" because it's "Ohh fuck, there goes my stuff guess I have to put off going to the dentist.". Stop defending criminals, I've been poor and I never resorted to stealing or smashing shit for entertainment. There's no excuse, besides what kind of dumb fuck criminal goes and screws over another poor person, go nick shit from some rich cunts they have the income were it's just a hick up instead fucking someone over. Ohh wait, the police actually give a shit when someone wealthy is burgled, meanwhile if you're poor and get burgled they wont even take finger prints unless you remind them to because they just don't give a shit.

I for one would welcome being able to shot a shit head breaking my shit or stealing my shit, because a bullet would be a lot cheaper than rising insurance premiums and having to pay taxes towards useless cops who haven't done shit about crime in my area.

TLDR: Rather pissed of the cops are useless and haven't done shit to lower crime in my area.

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