Matchmaking Changes

For those at work

Changes to Matchmaking Settings on 12/08/2016

Today the development team is making a few changes to Matchmaking settings with the goal of improving your experiences in the Crucible. Here is a quote straight from the team with some details about what is being changed. We’ve made a change to the Matchmaking system in an effort to increase match quality. Our specific goal is to reduce the number of matches that begin before they fill up with players. To achieve this, we are expanding the available skill-range for other players earlier and more aggressively. We will also be looking for lower-latency matches for longer than before. Essentially, this puts a stronger bias on connection quality, with less emphasis on skill matching. This may result in slightly longer matchmaking times in some cases. For some of you, this could mean that you’ll be matched with opponents well outside of your skill range. We hope the tradeoff is worth it to improve the Crucible ecosystem in general. As always, our work in designing a Crucible experience that serves all players is never finished. Be sure to let us know what you experience out there. Our forum, just like our game, is a constant source of great feedback. These changes are now live in all playlists. After you play some games with the new settings, feel free to post in this thread with any feedback you have. Let us know what you think.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread