Matchmaking, stats, and the new PvP meta (MINOR SPOILERS)

It will remain unsure until we can see some concrete data that tells us soft caps but I can do a guesstimate assuming From is using the same soft cap numbers:

We need to remember that Dark Souls meta was 120 and 1 out of its 8 stats was never leveled, the other stat that is missing comparatively is attunement - which was almost never leveled to soft cap in builds. If bloodborne has similar softcaps, and leveling is the same pace, there may not be a divergence from the old 120 meta.

Here we have 6 stats, life bar, stamina bar, and your four damage types. At level 10 all classes boat 60 stat points. Since the Souls model stands, and 1 point is 1 level, that means at Soul Level 120 players will have 170 stat points to play around with.

Assuming that we get soft caps at 40 for each stat - that would mean SL 120, which would traditionally go for soft caps in those two areas, would then have 90 points - allowing a person to max 2 primary damage stats with 10 points to spare.

We could bump this down to 110 to eliminate the 10 floater points, leaving characters with two stats to choose from - which would leave us with 6 major stat builds that people would be playing:

Strength/Skill Strength/Bloodtinge Strength/Arcane Skill/Bloodtinge Skill/Arcane Arcane/Bloodtinge

This list assumes that all combinations are viable - and assumes there is at least one weapon that scales with each stat in an optimal way. That's really what the build diversity is going to boil down to - what format allows the most diverse weapon and skillset choice. I believe a SL 100 meta is more than likely, which would allow players to, if hard pressed, spread their stats out super thin (similar to what you needed to do to run a 28/40 buff build in Dark Souls) to accomodate for certain weapon choices. We already know from people who have the game that there is a strength/arcane scaling weapon - and we would not want a meta level that restricts weapon choice if that weapon choice is the only part of the build.

I'm predicting, assuming scaling is the same, that 40/40 one damage stat capped one damage stat 30 will be the traditional meta - with people splurging into tertiary damage stats for synergies i.e. going a little bloodtinge for a specific gun.

If scaling changes, the meta will be whatever accommodates soft cap health and stamina, while forcing restrictions on people that want more than 1 or 2 damage stats. That's how both of Miyazaki's Soul games have played out as far as level brackets were concerned.

/r/bloodborne Thread