Mayor Mike Rawlings announces confederate statues at Lee Park will be removed.

Top comments in this thread state the civil war started because of and only because of slavery. Slavery was hardly a reason. Small reason maybe but definitely not a defining factor. Stop pushing a narrative because of an incident. History doesn't need to change just to make you feel better. The civil war started because: 1. Industry vs. Farming. 2. States' Rights. The idea of states' rights was not new to the Civil War. 3. Expansion.

Slavery was an afterthought and most definitely not the sole focus of the civil war. How have none of you taken civil war lessons? There is a serious lack of historians in this thread. Nothing but teenager tumblr whales posting YouTube videos that echo their narrative. I don't give two shits about statues, I do believe they should be in a museum and not thrown into a dumpster. But the amount of random narrative being claimed as fact in this thread is disturbing and disgusting. Educate yourselves you fucking inbreds, quit perpetuating a bullshit narrative.

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