Organized police crime in Dallas. Filing suit.

Welcome to Texas. You never know when you're going to get targeted, but you aren't going to get any justice. You'll have to fight this, lay low, and then later, if you find out who is responsible, you're going to have to decide for yourself what the appropriate response to this will be.

Texas is a 'tall poppy' kind of place and people sometimes don't know what lengths others will go to knock someone down a couple of pegs. The real question is what you did that caused this to happen. You either offended someone or you've moved onto somebody's turf and this is them attempting to remove you as a threat. I went through a bit of your posting history, and you seem to be from the west coast. If that's the case, it could simply be the driver figured out you're not from here and decided to have some fun with some buddies of his. Only you would know.

/r/Dallas Thread