Me [23M] with my GF [20F] 2 years, I am about to buy a house but don't want her to move in.

I don't feel like you love your girlfriend any less because of this and I don't think that this warrants a break up at all. I think that you were excited at the thought of living with her at first, which is why you talked about it with her. Now that it might actually happen, I think that you're having second-thoughts. Wanting to live alone before moving in with her in no way (at least in my opinion) negates the feelings that you have for her.

My boyfriend and I want to move in together and we talk about it all of the time. But if he ever moved out and started living on his own and told me that he wants to wait and experience that before we move in together, I would understand it, despite the fact that we've talked about it before. Feelings change. I don't understand how this warrants a break up or how this means that you care any less for her.

You're 23, I don't think the fact that you want to live alone right now means that you don't see a future with her. Again, talking to my boyfriend about living together makes me so happy. But if he told me that he just wanted to live alone for now, I'd understand that.

/r/relationships Thread