Me [24 M] hasn't heard from coworker [19 F] after asking her on a date

Here's my advice, and this is from reading a couple comments and completely ignoring the whole point of the post. Others have answered it better than I could, and I'm just going to give generic advice in general. If you're already doing these things, you'll have less to worry about. And forgive me if I treat you like a virgin who has no idea what he's doing, this is sort of the response I give to every guy who comes on here who gets iced out by a girl who was seemingly interested.

Don't go "into the dating game" until you're ready. And by that I mean, you'll feel the dating game start coming to you. How do you get to that point? A couple things..

1) join a gym, buy weights for home, develop a bodyweight workout. Whatever you prefer, spending 5 hours / week getting fit will go very very far when it comes to dating. If you're a skinny guy, focus on gaining muscle mass and size in general. /r/gainit is great for figuring out meal plans and workout plans.

2) find a couple hobbies aside from video games, television, and the Internet. When people talk, they talk about the things they do. If all your stories revolve around internet television and video games, you'll be the most boring person ever. Find some things that interest you and then see if there are clubs to join in your area (also a good way to meet people)

3) learn how to cook. This will help with #1 quite a bit but also in general. Women love men who can cook, and my most successful dates I've ever had has been cooking a light dinner, followed by some red wine on the couch. Netflix and chill is for fuckboys. Dinner and red wine is for men.

4) take this last one with a huuuuge grain of salt. /r/seduction can have some very good advice, if you sift through all of the bullshit. Find the stuff that's very basic and speaks to you. The gimmicks, the tricks, people see right through that shit and it's disingenuous. Having confidence in your speech, holding eye contact, speaking and moving slower, etc. are all pieces of advice I took from there. They'll also offer advice for #3 on how to behave while sitting on the couch and stuff like that. Resting your hand on her leg, initiating kissing, all these things are very important in creating a connection.

It's going to take a few months to get yourself into the swing of things before you start seeing results.

/r/relationships Thread