Me [25f] feeling like I'm stuck in a rut leading nowhere.

OK I was in your same position and now I am not, and I' going to put some effort into this post because I really want to help you so I hope you read it.

I am also a major introvert. My hobbies include chess, video games, shaving, watching sports, and browsing the web. Last year, I spent New Years and my birthday alone, by choice.

At the same time, I've started 3 businesses. I take improv lessons. I blog. I have plenty of friends and acquaintances. I'm single by choice but have had many girlfriends. I go on dates whenever I feel like it, and have no problem sleeping with girls. I'm the only person I know who I can look at an say "man, that guy is living his dream". Most importantly, I'm very happy in a day to day basis.

I'm in a place I never thought I'd be. My whole life I was anxious, or depressed, or unsatisfied, or a combination of the three. I was the kid who didn't go to prom and who left college parties early to smoke weed in my room.

Then the best thing happened to me. At around 25 years old, I got insanely depressed. The type of shit where I would randomly cry at work and lay in bed all weekend - the clinical kind. And I realized that I just couldn't keep living how I was living.

In addition to seeing a therapist, which helped me immensely, one thing and one thing only has turned my life around:

I stopped doing shit that I hated doing.

Let me repeat.

I stopped doing that I hated doing.

Look at your life for a moment, and reflect on how many things you do on a day to day basis, that you dislike. Like really think about it. It's insane. How many parties do you go to that you wish you didn't go to? How many people do you talk to who you don't want to talk to? How many hours a day you spend around people you don't like being around?

You will soon realize that you are literally fighting your brain and your body ALL DAY, while they are screaming at you, STOPPPPPPPPPP. No wonder you feel bad.

Here's what I did:

I don't like going out to bars and clubs, so I stopped. I didn't like my job, so I quit. I didn't like my best friends, who partied and did drugs all the time. So I dropped them and haven't talked to them since. I didn't like having a roommate. So I moved in alone. I loved my girlfriend but hanging out with her was making me unhappy as I'd rather be spending time alone. So I broke up with her.

Then something amazing happens: once all the noise and bullshit is out of your life, you automatically start attracting things that you love.

I remember just sitting at home, in an empty apartment, on a Friday evening, exhaling, and going "ahhhhh this is AMAZING. Now what?"

Maybe you'll realize that you love staying inside and sketching all day, which leads you to an art career. Maybe you'll realize that you need to help people and start a charity. Maybe you'll realize that you don't like where you live, and move to a commune where you grow hemp and make soap. Who knows.

For me, I realized that I hate having a job, and that I want to work for myself.

My introversion is an INSANE ADVANTAGE HERE. I can spend my evenings and weekends working on a things most people would find boring (contracts, shipping, law, negotiations, calculating margins, etc.). I can work harder than my competition, and best of all, I love it.

I NEVER would have found this or could have pursued this going to happy hours, hanging out with a girlfriend, and "going out". NO WAY.

... ... ...

Basically, you feel stuck because you are not doing what you want to do, you are doing what other people think you should do.

You need to stop doing that, and do what you want to do.

But you can only do great things once you stop doing what other people think you need to do.

Drop your boyfriend, drop your friends you don't like, drop going out when you don't want to, and just do what you want. The rest will take care of itself.

Good luck.

/r/relationships Thread