Me [25M] dated [23F] for 3 months, told eachother we were exclusive then she ended it. She now wants to us to be friends and i dont, but we see eachother everyday, at the gym.

Yep. Seems like she's trying to be friends. From my experience as a young woman:

Worst Case: There's this selfish thing that girls sometimes do, where they know you like them but for whatever reason they don't want to date you. In some cases it's bad chemistry, or red flags - in yours it could be the issues with her past and keeping her guard up. But, knowing you like them makes them feel good, valuable. You're "safe" and "reliable" - you have accepted her, interacting with you won't result in rejection. It could be that. It could be for good attention, reassurance, or comfort.

Best Case: It could also be that she genuinely wasn't in the right headspace for a relationship, but she likes you. In which case, she doesn't want to lose you entirely, but she's not ready to do anything meaningful about it. She doesn't want to lose you, and miss out on being with you - even though she's not in a place to move forward.

Most Likely: She doesn't want a relationship with you, but she wants your friendship. It sounds like she does not realize the depth of your feelings for her, and is not even considering that. Which usually means she doesn't share those feelings. So, she likes you (platonically), and wants to be friends but doesn't realize the insensitivity of her approach because she hasn't considered how you feel.

When I was younger, there were instances where I dated/hooked up with someone, and for whatever reason it didn't work out, but I genuinely liked them as a person and thus wanted that actual friendship. I usually gave it "dead space" to let those feelings fade (we're talking years in some cases). I didn't try to be friends right after breaking it off with someone, because that's cruel.

However, when I liked someone, and we were compatible, I wanted to be with them. I did not say we needed to "just be friends" or hold off because I was going through a rough patch. It wasn't until I matured a bit that I took things slowly when I knew I was in the wrong headspace, and I made sure to communicate that clearly. Even so, I never passed up on someone I wanted to be with. Most people don't.

What to do: It depends on what you want. For self-preservation? Keep your distance. Sadly, this dynamic could go in any direction - especially seeing as I can't read her actions. She could toy with you, she could genuinely want to be friends, etc. but your best bet is keep your distance. Be civil but don't engage, don't give her the same warmth or attention until you have your head together.

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