Me [29 M] with my girlfriend [21 F] of 1 year, might be manipulating me and freeloading. I need advice

Well I am in a woman in a relationship with a man who makes about double of what I make annually, but both of us work very hard for our money I am a nurse and he is an IT engineer. Just the way the world is people pay more for a computer doctor versus someone who holds your mothers hand while she dies but i digress. Heres the deal, he does pay for things more because he wants to take me out to eat or buy me outfits or things I want and at first he spent way too much money on me which of course I didnt mind. But once we lived together (around 6 months we moved in together into his house that he owns) we started working as a team. He shared with me exactly how much money he was wasting on these things to "win me over" and I put an end to that. I want us to have a good financial future and fancy dinners 5+ nights a week aren't worth losing your savings account. Now I pay roughly half of all living expenses then pay my own bills. I pay for meals probably 30% and him 70% but that's his choice not mine. Point is once you love someone and love spending every minute with them and "hours feel like minutes" you start to care about their financial future or at least you should and those expenditures shouldn't happen as often because your happy with just each other. And as for the texting of the ex boyfriend and tinder account. My boyfriend may have let the tinder thing go but the ex boyfriend texting? Hell no would i ever do that to him in the first place I respect him far too much and to do it in his presence? He would ask me if I had lost my mind. So sorry for the long reply but I am sorry but in my opinion you are being taken for a ride, or maybe just maybe this girl is so used to guys treating her so well all the time she doesn't even see it as an amazing act of kindness that you are doing for her each and every day. Not sure either way is very salvageable. Good luck I hope things work out for you one way or another.

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