Me [30 M] having jealousy issues with [31 F] in long distance relationship, very unorthodox compared to most relationship jealousy I'm sure.

1) All great points, I need to take a step back and look at it that way for sure.

2) Definitely my own insecurities, I've never had great self esteem, she makes me feel good about myself but I guess I worry that she can do better. I trust her.

She has never done anything to lose my trust, I do worry about other guys just because I know how guys tend to be playing video games, it's a girl and lots automatically want to send a friend request (although plenty are inappropriate as well). One of my bigger fears is if she happens to hit it off with someone that doesn't live halfway across the continent, feels like that would be much more convenient but like you said she's been with me a long time so obviously I've done something right.

You are right about doubts and insecurities being poisonous, I can tell it has been really grating over the last week so I need to just trust her, she has never given me a reason not to. Any particular advice on what to do when that jealousy starts to creep in? How do I shut it down before it starts running rampant.

As for the last point it isn't always easy but knowing that we're working towards being together makes it seem easily doable to me, I really love her and can't imagine life with anyone else. I agree and wish I would've had my shit together sooner than I did so this wouldn't have taken so long but this is where I wound up and now I'm just trying to make it work a little longer so it will have all been worth it in the end.

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