Me(33/m) and my GF(43/f) of 4 years aruge about cheating all the time

Ok, huge update

she sent me this by text just now

"OK *myname* goodbye, have a good time with your new life [I havent been doing anything different]. I will fuck that guy tonight, just because I need to somehow learn to be as heartless as everyone else is in this world. I'm tired of being the only person who has the capacity to love. You go fuck your two fat dykes who know how to satisfy you better than me, and I'll go fuck my guy. It's over because you dont care about me at all"

"It's over"

"You want to constantly fuck other people"

"I'm too boring and old for you"

"you want to fuck different people all the time"

By the way, i never said those things and I made it clear that I was communicting to save a damaged relationship.

/r/relationship_advice Thread