Is it me or is there a serious lack of squad leads that actually communicate and lead?

Probably the best post here.

I'll just join a squad and wait some seconds. If no comms come through then I'm off to another squad. Sometimes I go through the entire team of squads, get nothing, and join the other team and repeat the procedure.

That is only when I'm not SL'ing. I would say I SL maybe in a 1:1 ratio, because it can be a draining experience as leadership often is. If I get a good squad and a team that is working together I'll SL for the entire session simply because it's not nearly as draining. If you have squad members that are have faith in your decisions then it just makes things much easier. Suggestions are welcome, but dissent is not.

I give people a free pass on mic if they are one thing: a good medic. If people stray from my squad, I'll ask them what they're doing to give them a chance, but that's also a kick if I get no reply.

Personally, my favorite games are not when my squad is a 100% effective unit, but when my team's other SL's are a cohesive unit. I can handle only having 5 of 8 squad members comm'ing effectively, but when if I'm getting no response from SL's I know that the game will be draining for me.

I think this sub needs to realize there is a reason good SL's are far and few between. Leadership is hard. This game is hard. I've been in squads with a good leader, but an entirely ineffective player who has 0 impact. The case I'm thinking of this guy's squad (after I left) ended up 4-4 (the whole squad's score) with the least cap points. I've been in squads where the SL has dropped 30 kills and we lost, because he didn't have the patience to bark orders every 2 minutes.

Many people aren't fit to be leaders. It's a learned skill for sure, but some simply aren't willing to learn. No matter how the community progresses I believe there will always be a lack of good SL's outside of certain community-based servers.

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