I wasn't playing squad in a while and saw this. I've missed something, what happend?

LOL, I am the person who wrote that Steam review. I decided to write that review after I crashed with a full helicopter because of a new found issue with massive random stuttering right as I was going to land. Yes, I have rolled back to DX11, no this did not happen before the recent update. I took my rage to the Steam reviews and described the current state of the game for others. I do not believe anything I said was dishonest or an exaggeration, though I know performance varies for people.

As far as emotes go, I do not care about emotes and actually find them funny and cool. The problem is you have to be an absolute moron to believe they will stop with emotes or handle MTX "tactfully" going forward. First it is emotes, next it is gun skins, then camo, ect. How much it will impact the game I do not know, but it will not be good. Further, the devs are going to be investing more time into coming up with MTX solutions to milk the players for more $ rather than improving the game, making good on promises to kick starters who they essentially just straight up cheated, or fixing glitches that have been in the game for years.

I have come to the conclusion that the glitches are not fixed because they just cannot fix them. They literally lack the dev talent to unfuck the code. Prime example as a heli main is when I drop off a Squad, literally half of the time at least one person gets thrown into the main rotor because too many people get out at once and the game stacks them on top of each other. It is extra fun when that person is the Squad Leader and we are trying to get a radio down.

Am I to believe that this issue takes YEARS to fix? This has been a glitch since helicopters were *added to the game.* I do not believe that this is such a low priority that they haven't gotten around to it in YEARS. I think they just suck and cannot fix it.

So yeah, I have played this game a lot and it is worse than it has ever been, and it seems that it is going to keep getting worse from all the indications I have seen. The engine upgrade does not excite me. Hopefully the Devs prove me wrong and improve performance.

/r/joinsquad Thread Link - i.redd.it