Media you feel weird revisiting after hearing the behind the scenes.

Except it's not a misinterpretation at all. What's actually going on and the hypothetical ideal you propose directly contradict each other: this is EXPLICITLY about smallminded VAs demanding character race and VA race line up, and not accepting the opposite. Otherwise, why would so many white VAs make such a song and dance about stepping down from nonwhite roles? Perhaps as a hollow, insincere gesture to protect their careers but actively fucks up race relations even more? And yet the opposite is never even remotely considered problematic. I'll tell you right now, in no world is this considered "equality of opportunity".
Look at an article like this, where a concept such as "Not caring about the race of the actor, so long as the pick the best person for the job" and blind casting are actively demonized. It's to the point of actively promoting illegal race discriminatory casting.

This is absolutely not remotely about equality of opportunities. I have no idea why you'd actively twist the reality of the situation here, as the entire narrative you've presented is either false or completely unrelated. We are straight up dealing with the advent of new pro-segregationists pushing their own warped racist view as something positive. Lamarr's argument can not be read in any way other than "Only PoC/minority VAs can voice PoC/minority characters", while also roping in women as a minority in VA work (despite more female VAs voicing non-female characters than the opposite), a plainly absurd idea. And when someone points out the even less represented minority of Asian VAs, and how by his own logic he hypocritically "stole" a role voicing an Asian character, he immediately begins moving goalposts.

The fact is, at least in Voice Acting work, opportunities ARE equally available for everyone. If your voice just happens to not fit the intended direction of a character, that's not on anyone's blame to shoulder. If your voice DOES fit the character, but your skin color somehow doesn't, and this is the decisive factor in hiring you on not, how can this be viewed as anything other than racism, segregation, discrimination?

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