Median retirement savings for families between 44 and 49 is $6200

Correct assumptions. My SO doesn't work full time but has been looking for about a year now. Her working would certainly help, but the job market is so dry. She doesn't cost a lot though, no car, grows and cooks food so our grocery budget is small and we never eat out, she cooks better than most resturants anyway so there's no need. She also covets her own expenses like clothes with money she makes through investments, I don't really understand all that but if she was tent here my budget wouldn't change, but we keep our finances seperate.

As far as custody goes, I'm going to try not to rant here, I could write pages about the situation. But the mother was awarded custody but she's too whacked out to actually take care of the girls. I could fight her in court, and the girls have said they would testify against her and have in the past. Something very terrible happened to one of them, she told the judge, arrests were made, and the judge still said no to giving me custody. It's a battle I could sink 1000s into and still lose.

I do have a written budget too. I'd be happy to provide it in a pm though.

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