Mega Millions jackpot hits $1.6 billion after no winners were crowned Friday

The thing is, people in your new tax bracket are probably your only new options for associating with, you’re probably going to lose a lot of your friends and extended family, because they’re all going to be coming for the money. Maybe it will just start out with a couple requests, and you’ll be fine with that, who needs all that money, right?

But then it becomes more frequent, and they ask for more, and if you refuse, you’re suddenly the asshole, and if you don’t refuse and keep handing out the cash, your relationships could all very quickly become defined by that money you give out to people.

You could try your best to keep it hidden, but some states don’t allow you to claim the money anonymously, and even if you claim anonymously and try to keep it mostly a secret, your friends and extended family will find out pretty quickly somethings up if you quit your day job and suddenly have no problem affording even just moderate pleasantries consistently.

According to a lot of past winners of even small sums of money, winning the lottery is one of the worst things that can happen to your personal life, and it makes sense why the ultra wealthy typically mainly associate with others in their tax bracket.

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